Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

DCLG abandons HQ to share with Home Office

By Jonathan Werran | 05 April 2013

DCLG to quit Eland House next year to co-locate with Home Office in move set to save department £...

EU blow to English LEPs

By Jonathan Werran | 04 April 2013

Council chiefs warn English LEP areas face funding blow as the next wave of EU development cash i...

Councils in 'gag warfare'

By Jonathan Werran | 04 April 2013

Local government leaders have defended the use of compromise agreements as a cost-effective way o...

Organisations join forces to set care shake-up in motion

By Jonathan Werran | 04 April 2013

Council leaders, chief executives and directors develop a plan to speed up the adoption process.

Unions raise general strike threat

By Jonathan Werran | 04 April 2013

Unite prepares blueprint for first full scale national walkout since 1926.

CTB survey highlights challenge for councils

By Jonathan Werran | 04 April 2013

Public finance experts claim local authorities will delay implementing the first year of individu...

Whitehall urged to find extra £3bn for spending

By Jonathan Werran | 03 April 2013

The Treasury has confirmed unprotected Whitehall departments have been ordered to 'wargame' 10% b...

Pickles lambasts local government's 'gagging' reflex

By Jonathan Werran | 03 April 2013

Communities secretary accused of hypocrisy for attacking councils for signing 4,256 confidentiali...

FUTURE FORUM: LGA chief Downs demands 'respect' for sector

By Jonathan Werran | 28 March 2013

Local Government Association chief executive Carolyn Downs has called for a ‘massive seismic shif...

More than 2 million residents affected by CTB changes

By Jonathan Werran | 28 March 2013

More than 70% of councils have set local CTB schemes forcing more than 2 million working age peop...