Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Ofsted denies Jones departure linked to damning report

By Jonathan Werran | 13 May 2015

Children’s care inspectorate Ofsted has denied a link between the recently-announced departure of...

Ministerial line-up takes shape

By Jonathan Werran | 12 May 2015

Ministerial appointments at DCLG include first-ever Northern Powerhouse minister and a first step...

SOLACE pleads for talks on 'radical devolution deals' with Clark

By Jonathan Werran | 12 May 2015

Council chiefs have written to new communities secretary Greg Clark seeking talks on ‘delivering ...

Clark chosen as new communities secretary

By Jonathan Werran | 11 May 2015

Prime minister David Cameron has appointed former planning and cities minister Greg Clark as the ...

Reynolds appointed shadow communities secretary

By Jonathan Werran | 11 May 2015

Emma Reynolds has today been appointed shadow communities secretary in a Labour frontbench reshuf...

Conservative election gains 'not surprising', experts claim

By Jonathan Werran | 11 May 2015

Sweeping Conservative gains in local polls should not be seen as surprising, experts have claimed.

Lib Dem local government minister and Labour shadow lose seats

By Jonathan Werran | 08 May 2015

Local government ministers and their shadows suffered opposed fortunes in a tumultuous general el...

Polls open in local elections

By Jonathan Werran | 07 May 2015

Voting takes place in 279 English local authorities today, amid predictions of dramatic gains for...

Supplying different services to councils is way forward

By Jonathan Werran | 06 May 2015

The ability to deliver innovative and differentiated services for local authority clients will be...

Parties flunk care challenge

By Jonathan Werran | 06 May 2015

The next government risks repeating the same mistakes as the coalition in boosting health spendin...