Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

UKIP local surge predicted

By Jonathan Werran | 05 May 2015

UKIP is poised to make dramatic headway in this week’s local government elections, and could doub...

Key Cities demand fiscal freedoms

By Jonathan Werran | 30 April 2015

The transfer of local property taxes must form the main plank to devolution at city level, an inf...

'Don't let devo burden taxpayers'

By Jonathan Werran | 28 April 2015

Communities secretary Eric Pickles has reaffirmed Conservative policy that the drive towards dece...

EXCLUSIVE: Miliband's devolution pledge

By Jonathan Werran | 28 April 2015

Labour leader tells The MJ ‘the biggest devolution to English regions’ is at the forefront of th...

Residents trust local politicians more than Whitehall

By Jonathan Werran | 28 April 2015

Local politicians are trusted twice as much as their Westminster counterparts to make the right r...

Council social media bible launched

By Jonathan Werran | 28 April 2015

Town hall twitter tsars could benefit from an online guide aimed at helping councils deliver soci...

Osborne hints at business rates freedom

By Jonathan Werran | 27 April 2015

Chancellor George Osborne has suggested a future Conservative administration would give cities fr...

Conservatives issue English manifesto

By Jonathan Werran | 24 April 2015

Conservative Party leader David Cameron will today set out plans for an English rate of income ta...

IFS: vague tax and spend pledges 'leave voters in the dark'

By Jonathan Werran | 23 April 2015

Leading public finance experts condemn the main political parties’ manifesto pledges for refusing...

Greater Manchester councils urged to pay Living Wage

By Jonathan Werran | 23 April 2015

Three Greater Manchester authorities have come under fire for paying their chief executives salar...