UKIP is poised to make dramatic headway in this week’s local government elections, and could doub...
The transfer of local property taxes must form the main plank to devolution at city level, an inf...
Communities secretary Eric Pickles has reaffirmed Conservative policy that the drive towards dece...
Labour leader tells The MJ ‘the biggest devolution to English regions’ is at the forefront of th...
Local politicians are trusted twice as much as their Westminster counterparts to make the right r...
Town hall twitter tsars could benefit from an online guide aimed at helping councils deliver soci...
Chancellor George Osborne has suggested a future Conservative administration would give cities fr...
Conservative Party leader David Cameron will today set out plans for an English rate of income ta...
Leading public finance experts condemn the main political parties’ manifesto pledges for refusing...
Three Greater Manchester authorities have come under fire for paying their chief executives salar...
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