Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Devolution delivered?

By Jonathan Werran | 22 April 2015

Key positions on local government finance, housing and economic growth were staked out in the mai...

Electoral Commission hails voter registration surge

By Jonathan Werran | 22 April 2015

Just under half a million voters beat the Monday midnight deadline for registering their vote in ...

'Expect disruption' to civil service after elections

By Jonathan Werran | 21 April 2015

Economic development and public service reform policies could be disrupted by a massive re-engine...

EXCLUSIVE: Clegg's power pledge

By Jonathan Werran | 21 April 2015

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has vowed to restore English local government’s status as a ‘p...

Donny battles bizarre theft blight

By Jonathan Werran | 21 April 2015

Doncaster MBC has been subject to a bizarre spate of thefts from council premises and buildings s...

Authorities to use MBA to fund infrastructure projects

By Jonathan Werran | 21 April 2015

Councils could soon use the municipal bonds agency (MBA) to secure investment to fund key infrast...

SNP to make common cause with cities of the North

By Jonathan Werran | 20 April 2015

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has today promised to help cities in the north of England re-balance t...

Greater Manchester PCC and Wigan leader vie for CA interim mayor post

By Jonathan Werran | 17 April 2015

Wigan MBC leader Lord Peter Smith is to contest the post of interim mayor of Greater Manchester w...

UKIP vows to slash senior council staff and salaries

By Jonathan Werran | 15 April 2015

UKIP has promised to slash ‘excessive pay deals and golden handshakes for council executives’ in ...

Ofsted social care director to step down

By Jonathan Werran | 15 April 2015

Ofsted’s national director of social care, Debbie Jones, has announced her intention to step down...