The chair of the independent inquiry into the summer riots, Darra Singh, joins 'big four' account...
Councils can expect to share the pain of public sector job losses,a leading workforce expert has ...
Publication of an audit consolidating all public sector finances for the first time has been welc...
Senior council leader says attempts to protect some of the country's most vulnerable children ris...
The Care Quality Commission has claimed it is 'on the right track and making rapid progress'.
Nick Clegg today announced the additional £1bn allocated to the Regional Growth Fund (RGF) will b...
The Government faces the 'real risk' of bailing out the 2012 Olympic games with extra cash, spend...
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) claims it is 'on the right track and making rapid progress'.
Areas contending for approval in one of two 'radical' community budget pilots have been shortlist...
Judges say the government was lawful in switching the measures of inflation from RPI to CPI.
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