Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

North-south divide set to widen, PWC reports

By Jonathan Werran | 10 November 2011

Moribund growth will make Government attempts to address regional economic imbalances 'more diffi...

PM pledges £95m growth fund cash to SMEs

By Jonathan Werran | 10 November 2011

David Cameron today announced £95m of Regional Growth Fund cash could be allocated to small busin...

Bordering on the ridiculous

By Jonathan Werran | 09 November 2011

Jonathan Werran looks at issues raised by the revelations of the failings at the UK Border Agency.

Arts Council books libraries funding scheme

By Jonathan Werran | 09 November 2011

Arts Council England and LGA launch £200,000 fund to use libraries to promote arts and serve as s...

Trading standards must be properly funded, MPs urge

By Jonathan Werran | 09 November 2011

Council trading standards departments must get Whitehall funding boost to combat consumer scams n...

Voter registration reform 'could hit the vulnerable'

By Jonathan Werran | 09 November 2011

Electoral registration officers fear an important civic function will be harmed,if government pla...

Councils urged to drive further property savings

By Jonathan Werran | 09 November 2011

Report urges ministers to remove property transfer tax barriers,to help local authorities deliver...

Leeds puts freeze on solar panel plans

By Jonathan Werran | 08 November 2011

Leeds City Council has frozen plans to give tenants free electricity in light of recent cuts to f...

Unison members vote for 30 November pensions strike

By Jonathan Werran | 03 November 2011

Unison members voted for industrial action on 30 November over the government’s plans to reform p...

Family Justice Review blasts 'shocking delays'

By Jonathan Werran | 03 November 2011

‘Shocking delays’ to child care reviews should be slashed by setting six-month deadlines, Family ...