Birmingham's reversal of plans to move 100 IT jobs to India has raised doubts over Capita’s abili...
Education regulator Ofsted has launched a consultation on new arrangements for inspecting childre...
Warnings on public sector pensions were made in recent Office for Budget Responsibility data. Jon...
Over 20 councils are piloting a project to preserve online information for future generations.
National well-being will be measured alongside GDP and other indicators of economic growth,the ON...
The Worcestershire Partnership is helping to pioneer a new approach to capital asset management.
Birmingham's plans to scrap paying bonuses to its own staff and end perks risk putting low-paid c...
Former Norfolk CC chief executive Tim Byles has been drawn into the phone-hacking saga, amid alle...
Over 280 councils have submitted the dates their accounts are open to full public scrutiny.
The complex way the DCLG structures its formula grant blocks accountability and openess, watchdog...
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