Greater devolution to local enterprise partnerships from Whitehall control over the next Parliame...
The Government is ‘burying its head in the sand’ by rejecting public concerns about unsustainable...
Prime minister David Cameron has hailed today’s St David’s Day agreement as ‘one of the biggest t...
Health chiefs have hailed the formal announcement of plans to devolve £6bn pooled health and soci...
Chair of the communities and local government Committee, Clive Betts, has railed against the Gove...
Bolton MBC has appointed Harrow LBC director Paul Najsarek as the council’s new chief executive f...
Outgoing permanent secretary for the Department for Communities and Local Government, Sir Bob Ker...
Influential MPs have castigated ‘flawed’ Government attempts to pool health and care budgets – a...
Local government bosses should lead by example and ensure no staff are engaged on controversial z...
Cotswold DC has boasted the country’s biggest cut in council tax charges this year, after announc...
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