Author Profile

William Eichler

Articles by William Eichler

Residential care collapse could cost NHS £3bn

By William Eichler | 11 November 2015

The NHS could be hit with a £3bn bill as the result of an imminent crisis in residential care, cl...

Northern Powerhouse 'could fail' unless poverty gap tackled

By William Eichler | 27 October 2015

Chancellor George Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse project could fail unless the poverty gap is tack...

CIPFA: Integration will need more money

By William Eichler | 23 October 2015

Health and social care integration will need more money to stop the short-term financial position...

Funding failing to keep pace with growing elderly

By William Eichler | 21 October 2015

Funding for health and social care is failing to keep pace with the rising number of elderly peop...