The battle against radicalisation at the local level faces ‘unprecedented challenges’ due to a la...
Low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) are popular and effective, a leaked report from the Department ...
A scheme aimed at supporting the most vulnerable households will be extended for another six mont...
The Government has criticised the West of England Combined Authority for what it describes as ‘in...
Business leaders have called for ‘meaningful decision-making powers’ to be devolved to local auth...
Cash-strapped Birmingham City Council will cut spending on services by £300m to balance its books.
Second-home owners will have to seek planning permission for future short-term lets, the Governme...
Council leaders have called for an urgent review of funding for Ukrainian refugees as 9,000 have ...
Warwickshire CC has launched an investigation after a video showed councillors making disparaging...
Medway Council has asked the Government for an emergency loan to help the struggling local author...
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