Author Profile

Sean Nolan

Articles by Sean Nolan

Budget: Government favours its own services over local ones

By Sean Nolan | 15 November 2017

Sean Nolan provides a rundown of the major local government issues confronting the chancellor in ...

The road ahead for managing social care

By Sean Nolan | 16 August 2017

Sean Nolan looks at the conflicts ahead for the social care green paper and outlines some of the ...

Rebooting the devolution agenda

By Sean Nolan | 24 May 2017

Sean Nolan looks at the results of the English mayoral elections and assesses what is next on the...

What councils need from the new chancellor

By Sean Nolan | 28 September 2016

Philip Hammond has plenty to balance at his first Autumn Statement but reform must be made to eas...

Answers for the commercial era

By Sean Nolan | 19 April 2016

Sean Nolan says councils face key questions on their commercial stance but need more support from...

The pressure has started

By Sean Nolan | 01 April 2016

As business rates retention edges closer, Sean Nolan outlines the challenge ahead as councils fac...