Author Profile

Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter is chief executive of the Centre for Cities

Articles by Andrew Carter

Brexit should not be an excuse for avoiding domestic issues

By Andrew Carter | 27 June 2019

The next PM should increase council funding, build homes where they are needed and improve urban ...

We need a deal with EU that minimises all export barriers

By Andrew Carter | 15 May 2019

The Centre for Cities' latest report highlights that an industry-by-industry approach to trade is...

Give cities the discretion to manage their finances

By Andrew Carter | 19 February 2019

Andrew Carter says the spending cuts borne by cities for a decade need to end - but they need mor...

Another week of guessing games is time wasted

By Andrew Carter | 03 December 2018

For people living and working in cities another week of guessing games about who will stay the co...

Budget must give cities new chances for growth

By Andrew Carter | 24 October 2018

Hopefully the Budget will shed light on the future direction of cities' finances, particularly wi...

The key commercial property considerations for local industrial strategies

By Andrew Carter | 03 July 2018

Andrew Carter outlines the findings of a new Centre for Cities report on local industrial strateg...

Tough decisions needed to protect commercial heart of cities

By Andrew Carter | 11 April 2018

As urban centres change transform, the priority should be on protecting and expanding the commerc...

Cities need to up their game to make devolution a success

By Andrew Carter | 12 March 2018

Devolution is not just about gaining new powers, it is about using the powers you already have. A...

Britain will continue to divide unless we devolve to more cities

By Andrew Carter | 14 February 2018

The sense of dislocation across the country is only going to be exacerbated in the coming years. ...

Wages remain stagnant despite growth - we need action

By Andrew Carter | 16 January 2018

Andrew Carter calls for cities to set up inclusive growth commissions as growth across the countr...