Author Profile

Colin Copus

Articles by Colin Copus

Giving councillors a voice

By Rachel Wall | 06 November 2017

Local government must organise itself to support its councillors in their interactions with exter...

The true voice of the councillor

By Rachel Wall | 19 July 2017

Rachel Wall and Colin Copus summarise the findings of a large-scale study of the challenges and e...

A manifesto for local government

By Colin Copus | 06 June 2017

Professor Colin Copus thrashes out his own ‘manifesto for local government’ after seeing the low ...

Local government should be out and proud

By Colin Copus | 15 June 2016

Professor Colin Copus argues why local government would benefit from a 'Leave' vote in Thursday's...

Commission for councillors

By Colin Copus | 12 January 2016

Policy-makers, the media and the general public all require a clearer picture of what councillors...

Credit where it's due

By Colin Copus | 06 October 2015

Councillors may be part of their local community but familiarity seems to breed contempt. Profess...

Elected mayors ideal to top combined authorities

By Colin Copus | 15 January 2015

Professor of local politics at De Montfort University, Colin Copus, admits that directly-elected ...

Put out more flags

By Colin Copus | 24 September 2014

An English Parliament is an essential prerequisite to an English localised state, argues Professo...

A manifesto for mayors

By Colin Copus | 29 June 2011

Directly elected mayors could pave the way for a powerful new system local government, but only i...