Author Profile

James Maker

James Maker

James Maker is policy manager at CCN

Articles by James Maker

There's a lot to play for when it comes to delivering devolution

By James Maker | 10 August 2021

While Government has provided a strong steer on the basic principles of county devolution deals, ...

A social care model that's fit for the future

By Daniel Sperrin | 09 February 2021

A new report sets out the key ingredients of a better social care system, using a delivery model ...

Striking the right balance

By James Maker | 26 June 2019

The County Councils' Network's journey over the past six years has shown just how crucial strikin...

Reforming two-tier arrangements

By James Maker | 08 August 2018

Reorganisation has proved controversial in many parts of the country. James Maker suggests poolin...

Building the evidence base for a long-term settlement

By James Maker | 03 July 2018

James Maker says Northamptonshire CC’s mismanagement of austerity should not prevent us talking a...

Reorganisation in counties must be based on evidence

By James Maker | 20 February 2018

Reorganisation may be part of the future of local government in two–tier counties, but it will on...

Counties can impact the next administration's agenda

By James Maker | 14 June 2017

There is a growing disquiet as to whether business rate retention offers the solutions to local g...

Local elections must springboard the sector to the centre of the national debate

By James Maker | 26 April 2017

Next week's local elections must be used to propel local government to the centre of the General ...

Gearing up for the rate debate

By James Maker | 08 March 2017

James Maker outlines the importance of county authorities in achieving a balanced business rate s...

A new future for reorganisation

By James Maker | 16 November 2016

Sajid Javid's comments have hinted at how the Government will approach local government reform, s...