Author Profile

James Maker

James Maker

James Maker is policy manager at CCN

Articles by James Maker

Extra funding eases the pain for councils

By James Maker | 05 February 2024

Whether MPs really would have voted the finance settlement down, we will never know, says James M...

Time for local and national action on hospital pressures

By James Maker | 20 November 2023

The County Councils Network's new report with Newton shows the causes of winter pressures are mor...

Inflation, finance and the future

By James Maker | 30 May 2023

Inflation may be coming down, but local government will still face some tricky decisions. James M...

Transferring LEP functions to upper tier councils goes with the policy grain

By James Maker | 04 April 2023

The County Councils’ Network will be engaging Government to ensure the transfer of LEPs is compat...

County devolution delivers

By James Maker | 12 December 2022

With the blueprint in place, devolution is happening, and counties across the country are prepari...

Councils need financial support to help residents and businesses through crisis

By James Maker | 06 September 2022

The County Councils Network, alongside others, will be making the strongest case possible to ensu...

A year of progress on county devolution

By James Maker | 28 June 2022

James Maker says that rather than stripping powers from any tier of local government, Clause 16  ...

Calculating the cost of care

By Daniel Sperrin | 25 May 2022

Local and central government must prepare for the significant workforce challenges that will be p...

A fresh vision

By Luke Tredidgo | 08 March 2022

A new report from Newton and the County Councils Network presents a vision for what the future of...

Embedding a new approach to devolution is critical to county deals success

By James Maker | 09 December 2021

A report concludes the White Paper on levelling up must include a devolution framework to build o...