Author Profile

Clare Coghill

Articles by Clare Coghill

Mind your own businesses

By Clare Coghill | 30 January 2020

Micro businesses in the capital are punching above their weight, and generating over £210 billion...

Re-engaging business and boroughs

By Clare Coghill | 04 September 2019

The Charter for Business sets out London boroughs’ commitment to growing the city’s economy for t...

We will not rest on our laurels

By Clare Coghill | 23 July 2019

Waltham Forest Council won Local Authority of the Year in the MJ Awards 2019. Martin Esom and Cll...

Driving growth requires more freedoms

By Clare Coghill | 10 October 2018

Regeneration can offer the capital exciting new opportunities, according to Cllr Clare Coghill. S...

Creating conditions for empowered communities

By Clare Coghill | 13 September 2017

Cllr Clare Coghill urges councils to think before they sell off old buildings or parks. There mig...