Author Profile

Jonathan Carr-West

Jonathan Carr-West

Dr Jonathan Carr-West is chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU)

Articles by Jonathan Carr-West

Engaging our global family

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 March 2020

Local government needs to pool its combined knowledge and learn from the perspective of others - ...

Welcome to the twenties

By Jonathan Carr-West | 28 January 2020

The new Government is rhetorically placing itself as a radical one that will move fast, says Dr ...

Places can and do get worse as well as better

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 December 2019

Dr Jonathan Carr-West says the story of a city in Columbia can be seen as a warning of what can h...

Civility starts with the civic

By Jonathan Carr-West | 29 October 2019

Jonathan Carr-West says that in increasingly volatile times, local government can provide the cor...

Building from the ground up

By Jonathan Carr-West | 24 September 2019

Dr Jonathan Carr-West says the energy directed at Brexit could have been focused on other things ...

Under pressure

By Jonathan Carr-West | 14 August 2019

The tragedy of local government is that over a decade of pressure, the urgent has crowded out the...

Reforming social care is a 'whole society problem'

By Jonathan Carr-West | 24 July 2019

Dr Jonathan Carr-West asks if strengths-based approaches to caring for older people could actuall...

Ten years of shining a light on the exceptional work of councillors

By Jonathan Carr-West | 09 July 2019

The Local Government Information Unit’s (LGiU) Cllr Achievement Awards – now in their 10th year –...

Rolling out a new institutionalism

By Jonathan Carr-West | 09 July 2019

Dr Jonathan Carr-West wonders if, alongside new localism, we need a new institutionalism too?

The basic laws of political physics

By Jonathan Carr-West | 05 June 2019

Dr Jonathan Carr-West says pressure provides a burning platform and the political vacuum an oppor...