Author Profile

Jonathan Carr-West

Jonathan Carr-West

Dr Jonathan Carr-West is chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU)

Articles by Jonathan Carr-West

Tirelessly toiling for us all

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 July 2024

Elections couldn’t happen without the hard work of local government – yet it has been rarely ment...

Where's the trust?

By Jonathan Carr-West | 07 May 2024

LGIU research sheds light on the ever greater decline of public trust in government. Dr Jonathan ...

Carving out a financial solution

By Jonathan Carr-West | 13 March 2024

With local government currently in the spotlight in General Election year, Dr Jonathan Carr-West ...

Freedom to be and to do

By Jonathan Carr-West | 15 January 2024

Local government needs a multi-year sustainable funding settlement; central government needs to t...

Lessons still to learn

By Jonathan Carr-West | 30 October 2023

It looks like Scotland’s Verity House agreement has fallen at the first hurdle, but in England we...

Shocked… but not surprised

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 September 2023

Dr Jonathan Carr-West remains shocked at the state of local government finance, but it is no long...

Optimistic nihilism

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 July 2023

It feels like local government is close to breaking point, but it doesn’t have to be this way, sa...

An out-of-the-ordinary election

By Jonathan Carr-West | 09 May 2023

Jonathan Carr-West says successive administrations have weakened local government: starving it of...

Election fever

By Jonathan Carr-West | 14 March 2023

For the first time polling station staff will be faced with having to turn people away and not le...

Real talk

By Jonathan Carr-West | 15 February 2023

With the rise of AI filtering through to all areas of society, Dr Jonathan Carr-West looks at its...