Discussions around reorganisation must go beyond merely redrawing boundaries to avoid dashing gro...
Dr Jonathan Carr-West looks ahead to a year that promises to be anything but predictable.
Dr Jonathan Carr-West looks back on a long and eventful conference season.
Councils should follow the example set by Liam and Noel Gallagher and set aside their differences...
Elections couldn’t happen without the hard work of local government – yet it has been rarely ment...
LGIU research sheds light on the ever greater decline of public trust in government. Dr Jonathan ...
With local government currently in the spotlight in General Election year, Dr Jonathan Carr-West ...
Local government needs a multi-year sustainable funding settlement; central government needs to t...
It looks like Scotland’s Verity House agreement has fallen at the first hurdle, but in England we...
Dr Jonathan Carr-West remains shocked at the state of local government finance, but it is no long...
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