Author Profile

Jonathan Carr-West

Jonathan Carr-West

Dr Jonathan Carr-West is chief executive of the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU)

Articles by Jonathan Carr-West

What constitutes failure?

By Jonathan Carr-West | 28 March 2018

Bringing commissioners into crisis-hit Northamptonshire CC forces us to think about the value we ...

What do we talk about when we talk about finance?

By Jonathan Carr-West | 20 February 2018

If we want to encourage and nurture a better conversation about local resourcing, councils need t...

Jonathan Carr-West: Finance settlement was cautious and underwhelming

By Jonathan Carr-West | 19 December 2017

Dr Jonathan Carr-West argues the local government finance settlement was cautious and underwhelmi...

Is there a crisis in representative democracy?

By Jonathan Carr-West | 23 October 2017

With participative democracy on the rise, but Jonathan Carr-West says it is important we do not g...

We must revisit the role of local government

By Jonathan Carr-West | 13 September 2017

With the political landscape in flux and mayors pushing the boundaries of their original remit, n...

An exercise in trust building

By Jonathan Carr-West | 02 August 2017

We need to put the trust back into local government at a time when politics is garnering very lit...

What alternatives are we offering?

By Jonathan Carr-West | 04 July 2017

A desire for local government to lead by example rather than wait on Westminster is gaining momen...

Building trust in a post-truth age

By Jonathan Carr-West | 30 May 2017

Local government must lead the way in a new world where truth is no longer the gold standard, wri...

Election fever and engagement

By Jonathan Carr-West | 02 May 2017

The chances of things changing dramatically are slim if we continue, as citizens and as public se...

Cock-up or conspiracy: the impact of the General Election

By Jonathan Carr-West | 24 April 2017

Jonathan Carr-West looks at the possible implications June's General Election could have on the l...