Author Profile

Cllr David Simmonds

Cllr David Simmonds

Articles by Cllr David Simmonds

The time for local voices to be heard

By Cllr Howard Sykes | 27 June 2018

The Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Independent Local Government Association Groups ou...

Time to get tough on CSE grooming

By Cllr David Simmonds | 01 July 2015

With instances of child sexual exploitation making major news headlines in recent times, Cllr Dav...

Halting the horrible

By Cllr David Simmonds | 05 May 2015

Female genital mutilation is an appalling abuse. Cllr David Simmonds outlines the LGA’s plans to ...

It's time to regulate the regulator

By Cllr David Simmonds | 23 March 2015

Cllr David Simmonds calls for a full independent review of Ofsted.

We need a joined-up approach to CSE

By Cllr David Simmonds | 10 February 2015

Cllr David Simmonds outlines efforts across the local government sector to tackle child sexual ex...

Avoiding mistakes of the past on children's services

By Cllr David Simmonds | 22 November 2012

Cllr David Simmonds explains what councils can do to learn from the past and protect children in ...