Author Profile

Dr Eleanor Roy

Dr Eleanor Roy is health and social care policy manager at CIPFA

Articles by Dr Eleanor Roy

Financial management is key to ICS' success

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 24 June 2022

With Integrated Care Systems due to become statutory bodies on 1 July, Dr Eleanor Roy says good p...

The recipe for integration lacks some key ingredients

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 22 February 2022

Dr Eleanor Roy of CIPFA sets out what is required if the vision of the integration White Paper is...

Road to reform – a blurred vision 

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 07 December 2021

Achieving the Government’s vision for the future of adult social care will take much more investm...

A first step on the road to reform?

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 19 September 2021

The plan for health and social care plan does nothing to address the challenges faced by the sect...

Spending review: Greater certainty is needed on social care reform

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 26 November 2020

The Spending Review was a missed chance to provide adequate funding and a firm basis for the refo...

Time to wake up to social care reform

By Dr Eleanor Roy | 18 June 2020

As it is revealed that just 4% of social care directors are confident they can deliver their stat...