Author Profile

Tom Bridge

Articles by Tom Bridge

Benn: Government cuts unfairly hit the most deprived areas

By Tom Bridge | 19 December 2012

Central government cuts to council budgets unfairly hit the most deprived communities a senior La...

Autumn Statement: Working age benefit sees 1% increase until 2015/16

By Tom Bridge | 05 December 2012

George Osborne has announced in the Autumn Statement benefit and tax credits will see a below-inf...

Government urged to support household flood insurance plan

By Tom Bridge | 26 November 2012

Insurance companies warn 200,000 households could be without cover against flood damage.

Voting watchdog to review PCC elections

By Tom Bridge | 19 November 2012

New police and crime commissioners (PCC) have been appointed across the country amid widespread l...

Academics condemn regional pay proposals

By Tom Bridge | 29 October 2012

Regional pay proposals would heighten geographical inequalities, leading academics have warned.

Growth and Infrastructure Bill aims to boost investment

By Tom Bridge | 22 October 2012

New legislation to remove bureaucracy and boost business investment has been introduced to Parlia...

Regional Growth Fund invests £1bn in 130 projects

By Tom Bridge | 19 October 2012

A third round of the Government's Regional Growth Fund is to provide a further 130 projects with ...

Government urged to amend planning reforms

By Tom Bridge | 21 September 2012

House extension planning reforms could reduce the quality of neighbourhoods, architects and town ...

Schools funding plan could create 'crisis situation'

By Tom Bridge | 11 September 2012

Proposals to simplify school funding could have a serious impact on education, Staffordshire CC h...

Stevenage BC reveals cost of redundancies

By Tom Bridge | 03 September 2012

Stevenage BC spent £672,536 on a recent programme of redundancies, a freedom of information reque...