Author Profile

Tom Bridge

Articles by Tom Bridge

Self-reported data breaches increase, research finds

By Tom Bridge | 24 April 2013

Councils received the most monetary penalties for data security failings of any organisation last...

Powys agrees on 2011 redundancy payout

By Tom Bridge | 28 March 2013

A senior officer at Powys CC is to receive a near two-year old redundancy package currently unava...

Union damns 'exploitation' in Right to Buy

By Tom Bridge | 06 March 2013

Research by the GMB shows nearly 40% of Right to Buy purchased properties in Wandsworth, are bein...

Women absent from top political and public roles, report finds

By Tom Bridge | 25 February 2013

Democracy is being weakened and public faith in politics undermined as the number of women in sen...

District councils receive advice on health and wellbeing agenda

By Tom Bridge | 11 February 2013

The District Councils'Network has published a report advising districts on how to contribute to t...

Standards 'at risk'

By Tom Bridge | 24 January 2013

Former local government minister Bob Neill reignites the debate over local government standards r...

Think tank questions Government broadband priorities

By Tom Bridge | 07 January 2013

The Government's strategy of subsidising fast broadband connectivity is flawed and more must be d...

Cambridge loses £2.3m from proposed budget

By Tom Bridge | 07 January 2013

Cambridge City Council has revealed £2.3m has been lost from its proposed budget for 2013/14 due ...

Means test winter fuel payment for elderly, ex-care minister urges

By Tom Bridge | 03 January 2013

Winter fuel payments should be means-tested to provide greater support for elderly care, former c...

Minister condemns 'eye watering' council chief pay-offs

By Tom Bridge | 02 January 2013

Compensation packages of £100,000 or more were granted to over 100 departing council officials la...