Author Profile

John Knight

Articles by John Knight

Leaders and laggers in a post-COVID world

By John Knight | 21 July 2020

In a post-modern world of local government we may well be looking at the survival of the fittest ...

Now the clapping has stopped the listening needs to start

By John Knight | 19 June 2020

John Knight says COVID-19 has given citizens a much sharper focus on the local services they valu...

Supporting the survivors

By John Knight | 09 June 2020

C.Co has been working with a pan-Cheshire programme designed to provide a safe place to live and ...

The Future of Local Government – no way back

By John Knight | 03 June 2020

The findings of a survey on the future impact of COVID-19 on councils provide an opportunity to c...

Re-setting the culture clock

By John Knight | 08 March 2017

A primary concern among chief executives in delivering transformation is ensuring the right cultu...

Towards one shared vision

By John Knight | 08 December 2014

Two Devon councils are breaking new ground to recruit their workforce based on the behaviours tha...