Author Profile

Cllr Roy Perry

Cllr Roy Perry is leader of Hampshire CC, a member of SESL and part of the SEEC executive committee

Articles by Cllr Roy Perry

Got to turn around

By Cllr Roy Perry | 20 July 2016

Evidence shows local government has the commitment to turn around children’s services without dem...

Learning the lessons on school reform

By Cllr Roy Perry | 29 June 2016

Cllr Roy Perry explains his concerns about the new national funding system for schools and the dr...

Time to alter the image of adoption

By Cllr Roy Perry | 07 June 2016

Cllr Roy Perry says there was much to welcome in the Queen’s Speech surrounding support for child...

Securing a safe haven

By Cllr Roy Perry | 26 April 2016

Cllr Roy Perry says secure children’s homes across the country face significant demand, yet a sec...

Getting a head start

By Cllr Roy Perry | 15 March 2016

The Life Changes Strategy offers an opportunity for councils to integrate quality services around...

Let's empower councils

By Cllr Roy Perry | 03 February 2016

Cllr Roy Perry outlines his vision for improved shared working between councils, schools and gove...

Keep up the caring, sharing approach

By Cllr Roy Perry | 19 November 2015

With numbers of children being placed for adoption dwindling,Cllr Roy Perry says councils must co...

Make time away from crime

By Cllr Roy Perry | 06 October 2015

Further reductions to the Youth Offending Teams grant will have serious effects on the ability of...