Author Profile

Mark Lloyd

Mark Lloyd is chief executive of the Local Government Association and former chief executive of Cambridgeshire CC

Articles by Mark Lloyd

Make it local

By Mark Lloyd | 04 July 2023

Looking ahead to a General Election, Mark Lloyd says the Local Government Association, as the nat...

Bringing in the changes

By Mark Lloyd | 02 July 2019

If the Government fails to adequately fund local government there is a real risk to the future f...

The stark reality – we have a £7.8bn funding gap

By Lord Porter | 03 July 2018

As delegates gather in Birmingham for the Local Government Association annual conference, latest ...

LG Challenge: The quest for 2018's rising stars

By Mark Lloyd | 20 November 2017

Chief executives and senior managers are being encouraged to nominate their upcoming talent to ta...

LGA: A moment for reflection

By Mark Lloyd | 05 July 2017

Mark Lloyd charts the Local Government Association’s achievements and successes during its 20-yea...

MiFID II will have severe implications for pensions investments

By Mark Lloyd | 11 April 2017

Mark Lloyd says the LGA will continue to fight against the FCA's plan to reclassify councils from...

Speaking with one voice

By Mark Lloyd | 07 July 2016

The LGA works hard for local government and is driven by a drive to deliver lasting change, says ...

Sharing our good fortunes

By Mark Lloyd | 13 March 2012

Mark Lloyd explains the growing success of Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire's county councils ...