Author Profile

Paul Dinsdale

Articles by Paul Dinsdale

New EU rules may impact on 'vanguard' care models

By Paul Dinsdale | 15 April 2016

Concerns are growing that new EU regulations this month could leave commissioners in vanguard hos...

Benefits of personal budgets 'need more analysis', says NAO

By Paul Dinsdale | 08 April 2016

The Department of Health (DoH) needs a better understanding of the most effective ways to impleme...

Plan to close black hole in NHS finances 'not credible'

By Paul Dinsdale | 08 April 2016

The NHS in England lacks a credible plan to plug a £22bn ‘black hole’ in funding within five year...

HealthMJ: Moving in the right direction

By Paul Dinsdale | 08 April 2016

As NHS funding is squeezed and social care expected to take up much of the slack, bridging the ga...

Fast-track discharge fund needed, says care report

By Paul Dinsdale | 08 April 2016

More than £3bn will be ‘wasted’ in the next five years on caring for NHS patients who no longer n...

Making health and care integration work

By Paul Dinsdale | 10 November 2015

Senior social service directors recently met in a round table debate to discuss how to overcome o...