Author Profile

Jessica Studdert

Articles by Jessica Studdert

We need to resist the creep of pork barrel politics

By Jessica Studdert | 16 August 2022

The 'creep of increasingly overt pork barrel politics into our winner-takes-all electoral system ...

A healthy dose of community engagement

By Jessica Studdert | 05 July 2022

The NHS has a lot to learn from local government about community engagement, says Jessica Studdert

So, what happens when the political calculations around levelling up change?

By Jessica Studdert | 25 May 2022

Recent events threaten to disrupt the flagship levelling up agenda we were told would be nothing ...

The cost of living crisis needs a strong locally-led response

By Jessica Studdert | 12 April 2022

We need to use more collective imagination to build a more adaptive and empowered local state th...

Communities need real power and influence over how their health is approached

By Jessica Studdert | 02 March 2022

The question of governance structures has dominated the new healthcare landscape, says Jessica St...

Devo should not be about what Whitehall is prepared to cede

By Jessica Studdert | 22 February 2022

After nearly a decade of devolution, the Levelling Up White Paper has finally created a blueprint...

There's a whiff of purpose once more on devolution

By Jessica Studdert | 17 January 2022

Devolution should rock the status quo and create a new culture of governance which pushes everyon...

Ring-fenced funds are not well suited to the roaring demand challenges of the twenties

By Jessica Studdert | 16 November 2021

By doing away with ring-fences all together, local partners would be freed up to collaborate and ...

Councils must recognise the threat to locally delivered social care

By Jessica Studdert | 05 October 2021

The local government sector, and the bodies which represent it, need to switch from a stance that...

Let's fix our connectivity dysfunction

By Jessica Studdert | 30 September 2020

The Government is used to operating in broadcast mode rather than engaging in ongoing dialogue wi...