Jessica Studdert says: 'The Spending Review is an opportunity to shift spending towards long-term...
A New Public Mobilisation mindset would 'motivate a movement that enables new insights, draws in ...
The four new test and learn sites in Liverpool, Sheffield, Manchester and Essex make it clear the...
The new Government ‘has an opportunity to shift the institutions at SW1 to actively seek insight ...
The new Government signalled early and clearly that it means business on devolution. A warm recep...
The Government has a chance to unleash power and collectively forge new routes to sustainability,...
Jess Studdert sets out the three aspects that will be crucial if mission-driven government is to ...
Revisiting Total Place principles would offer a strong foundation for a wider shift across the pu...
The role of the centre and its interface with regions and localities must shift as devolution mat...
Jessica Studdert says: 'Whether or not future growth enables overall spending to rise, Treasury c...
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