Author Profile

Abdool Kara

Abdool Kara

Abdool Kara is executive leader for local services at the National Audit Office and former chief execuitve of Swale BC

Articles by Abdool Kara

Local government is 130 years old, but will it see its next decade?

By Abdool Kara | 29 May 2018

The NHS's 70th birthday has been given significant news coverage, but Abdool Kara warns local gov...

Government must strengthen its oversight and assurance mechanisms

By Abdool Kara | 10 April 2018

Readers of a certain age will vividly remember the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William ...

The words 'light touch' should never refer to public expenditure

By Abdool Kara | 06 February 2018

Abdool Kara on local enterprise partnership accountability and transparency.

Abdool Kara: Councils are being economical with the truth

By Abdool Kara | 15 November 2017

Different council groups are lobbying for a bigger proportion of government funding as ministers ...

Act as a united sector on commercialisation - or face regulations

By Abdool Kara | 13 September 2017

If local authorities act with individual self-interest in the pursuit of commercial ventures, the...

Uncertainty and a lack of DCLG capacity is hampering progress

By Abdool Kara | 26 July 2017

Abdool Kara looks at the uncertainty facing local authorities and the depleting capacity in centr...

Countering the post-truth narrative

By Abdool Kara | 06 June 2017

Good scrutiny can be a powerful lever for the greater and better use of evidence by councils to i...

Moving to pastures NAO

By Abdool Kara | 20 April 2017

In his last column for The MJ as he takes up his new role, Abdool Kara outlines the work he will ...

The state of our democracy

By Abdool Kara | 28 February 2017

In his last column for The MJ as chief executive of Swale BC, Abdool Kara addresses the minor iss...

Shaping reorganisation around economic growth

By Abdool Kara | 10 January 2017

Abdool Kara argues economic growth should be a key design principle in any reorganisation debate.