Author Profile

Abdool Kara

Abdool Kara

Abdool Kara is executive leader for local services at the National Audit Office and former chief execuitve of Swale BC

Articles by Abdool Kara

The sector has continued to benefit from Best Value

By Abdool Kara | 01 April 2020

Before COVID-19, Brexit, austerity and the recession came Best Value inspection - and the more ob...

Sizing up the efficiency problem

By Abdool Kara | 05 February 2020

If delivering efficiency is a driver for local government there are reasons to believe there may ...

We need a sector-wide perspective on PWLB rate increase

By Abdool Kara | 19 November 2019

The sector might ask itself if a 'small' rate increase in the cost of loans from the Public Works...

Extracting more value from local audit

By Abdool Kara | 24 September 2019

Abdool Kara says the sharper focus on value for money and the expectation of clearer, more timely...

Reducing the risks from transition

By Abdool Kara | 24 July 2019

The May local elections returned significant numbers of new councillors including new single issu...

Cliffs, knives and U2

By Abdool Kara | 28 May 2019

Abdool Kara is not sure that falling over or off cliffs is the right metaphor for what we could s...

NHS sustainability 'very difficult' without a long-term social care settlement

By Abdool Kara | 06 February 2019

A series of significant National Audit Office reports on local services have emerged so far this ...

Like Mariah Carey, it may be prudent to not want a lot for Xmas this year

By Abdool Kara | 12 December 2018

Despite a number of minor successes, the position of the sector as it approaches the end of the y...

Let's explore obvious ways of reducing uncertainty

By Abdul Kara | 21 November 2018

Searching for certainty in an uncertain world may be a fool's errand, according to Abdool Kara. B...

Stop trying to explain away poor performance

By Abdool Kara | 01 August 2018

The sector needs to be more open and honest about poor performance, writes Abdool Kara.