Abdool Kara looks at how a growing number of authorities are choosing the commitee system as a re...
When to force change and when instead to build a force for change, is a tricky judgement for poli...
Abdool Kara says that despite the gloomy budget scenario there is plenty of activity in his area
Abdool Kara wonders how well councils can regulate their own standards.
Abdool Kara, says parliamentary parties need local government but act as if they do not want it.
Abdool Kara makes the case for an LGA as an advocate for better council services, rather than the...
Abdool Kara looks at how, in politics, radical changes are not easy to implement when a party is ...
Abdool Kara wonders if Eric Pickles is playing a clever game by consulting on removing the duty t...
Abdool Kara reports on attending his first ever SOLACE conference.
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