Authority launches national scheme for soft drinks sector

Surrey CC has joined forces with the British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA) to launch a national trading standards scheme for the sector. Under the scheme, Association members including Coca-Cola and AG Barr will receive advice from Surrey Trading Standards about issues relating to food standards, safety and labelling.

Surrey CC has joined forces with the British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA) to launch a national trading standards scheme for the sector. Under the scheme, Association members including Coca-Cola and AG Barr will receive advice from Surrey Trading Standards about issues relating to food standards, safety and labelling.

‘One of the challenges facing food and drinks companies is the volume and complexity of the many regulations in modern-day business, when they are subject to different interpretations by various enforcement agencies,' said BSDA director general, Gavin Partington.

‘I'm pleased we are able to provide members with assured advice to protect them in the marketplace.'


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