A watchdog has warned of ‘inadequate resourcing’ of environmental health and trading standards services by councils.
Now more than ever, councils’ trading standards service is essential to our economy and the envir...
Councils will be allowed to deprioritise some trading standards and health and safety work to foc...
Trish Caldwell says that a new report really demonstrates the case for local trading standards se...
Councils have pleaded for extra Government cash amid fears Brexit will heap additional demands on...
The Government’s report on readiness for a no-deal Brexit has warned adult care services to prepa...
A review of funeral services could lead to a ratings system for the industry and hand responsibil...
Councils have threatened to walk away from Government attempts to engage with them on Brexit amid...
Dan Peters reports on how local authorities are making contingency plans for Brexit while also en...
Council capacity will be stretched under a no-deal Brexit scenario, local authority chief executi...
In Diary’s opinion, trading standards are the unsung heroes on an unsung sector.
Southend-on-Sea City Council is seeking a dynamic, ambitious and experienced professional Apply for this job
Here in Middlesbrough, we are at the start of something special. Apply for this job
We are seeking a dynamic, innovative, experienced, and strategic leader to join our Senior Leadership Team Apply for this job
Southend-on-Sea City Council is seeking a dynamic, ambitious and experienced professional Apply for this job
Here in Middlesbrough, we are at the start of something special. Apply for this job
We are seeking a dynamic, innovative, experienced, and strategic leader to join our Senior Leadership Team Apply for this job