Balls steps into awards presenting chair

There could be dancing in the aisles at The MJ’s awards gala lunch on September 17 – for former Strictly Come Dancing star Ed Balls will be announcing the winners.

There could be dancing in the aisles at The MJ's awards gala lunch on September 17 – for former Strictly Come Dancing star Ed Balls will be announcing the winners.

The former politician and star turn of Strictly and Celebrity Best Home Cook will be guest presenter at The MJ's Local Government Achievement Awards, where he will announce the winners in 17 categories from more than 100 finalists at London's Hilton Hotel.

Mr Balls was chief economic adviser to the Treasury, secretary of state for children, schools and families and shadow chancellor before losing his parliamentary seat in the 2015 General Election.

He then forged a new career as an academic and TV broadcaster.


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