Barnet to review outsourcing partnership with Capita

Barnet LBC is considering taking seven services back in-house, under a review of its outsourcing partnership with Capita.

Barnet LBC is considering taking seven services back in-house, under a review of its outsourcing partnership with Capita.

The council is bringing control of finance, strategic human resources, management of land and property, highways, regeneration, strategic planning, cemeteries and crematoriums back in-house.

It has proposed that Capita will keep control of 17 services.

Council leader, Cllr Richard Cornelius, said: Many things are working well and it's right that we build on them.

'Where this is not the case, changes are needed.

‘The committee will discuss the proposed review to realign services delivered under the Capita contracts.

'If the committee approves the recommendations, the review will develop more detailed proposals, but it's important to stress any changes will only be recommended on the basis that they provide a good deal for the Barnet taxpayer.'


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