Buckinghamshire to look at single unitary option

Buckinghamshire CC will explore the possibility of creating a single unitary council in order to ‘streamline and simplify services for residents’.

Buckinghamshire CC will explore the possibility of creating a single unitary council in order to ‘streamline and simplify services for residents'.

Cabinet members yesterday approved a proposal to develop a business case to examine how local government could be reorganised for the benefit of the county's residents and businesses.

Leader of the council, Martin Tett said: ‘The business case that cabinet has agreed to develop will show how a single unitary council would streamline and simplify services for residents – something that is long overdue and that residents certainly tell us they want.

‘Combined with the significant cost-savings to be gained over the medium-term from economies of scale, a single unitary council model is a compelling option and one that should be on the table for consideration.

‘We've already seen new types of councils developed in other parts of the country and the benefits they have brought to residents and it's the right time now for Buckinghamshire to consider its future,' he added.

Welcoming the review, chairman of Buckinghamshire Thames Valley local enterprise partnership, Andrew Smith, said: ‘I welcome the decision by Buckinghamshire CC to commission a business case looking into the options for local governance in Buckinghamshire and the opportunity to actively participate in an independent, evidence-based review to assess all possible options.

‘I am in no doubt the review will be supported by the vast majority of Buckinghamshire residents, businesses and key strategic stakeholders who have a direct interest in the delivery of local services.' 


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