Council chief claims auditor 'not balanced or fair'

The boss of a council where an auditor raised concerns about culture and governance failures that ‘stem from the very top’ has rejected the claims.

The boss of a council where an auditor raised concerns about culture and governance failures that ‘stem from the very top' has rejected the claims.

Head of the East Kent Internal Audit Partnership, Christine Parker, said she had ‘significant concern' around senior officer relationships and ‘blurred reporting lines' within management at Thanet DC in a letter leaked to The MJ.

However, in a leaked response, Thanet chief executive Madeline Homer said Ms Parker's letter was ‘not balanced or fair'.

She wrote: ‘I entirely respect your role in the organisation however I have to say your letter is subjective and appears selective.

'It is my view you are applying a set of value judgements that are not based on fact but instead reference the ‘grapevine' as the source.

'I could equally say that you cannot manage any member of staff or challenge poor performance in TDC because you get accused of ‘bullying and harassment' and that is a real view.'


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