Council pay offer rejected as union moves towards strike action

The 3% pay offer for council workers in Scotland has been rejected by members of Unison Scotland.

The 3% pay offer for council workers in Scotland has been rejected by members of Unison Scotland.

Some 79% of members voted to reject the offer, which was made to all staff earning up to £80,000.

Seven out of ten members (67%) also voted to take industrial action.

Head of local government bargaining at the union, Johanna Baxter, said: 'What this result demonstrates is a real anger and frustration among Unison members at the lack of action by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and the Scottish Government to address the serious issue of low pay in local government.

'Local government workers have endured a decade of real-terms pay cuts and they have now simply had enough.'

COSLA's resources spokeswoman, Cllr Gail Macgregor said: 'We value our workforce and our 3% offer matches other offers within the public sector in Scotland.'


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