Council workers' incomes 'cut to the bone,' warns union

Unite has recommended its members reject the latest local government pay offer for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Unite has recommended its members reject the latest local government pay offer for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The trade union said the offer of a pay increase of at least £1,290 ‘fails to tackle poverty pay' or ‘reverse the years of real terms pay cuts'.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: ‘Unite's local government representatives have rightly called on members to reject yet another pitiful pay offer for council workers.

‘Workers' incomes have been cut to the bone by more than a decade of below inflation pay cuts and those cuts must be reversed.

‘Unite always puts the jobs, pay and conditions of its council workers first and will back them all the way in their battle for a fair pay deal.'

Unite national officer for local authorities Clare Keogh added: 'The national employers know that this is an entirely inadequate offer for council workers and does nothing to meet their needs or expectations.

'Council leaders need to sit down with the trade unions and negotiate a vastly improved proposal.'

The union Unite has also advised local authority employees to reject the pay offer while GMB's national joint committee has agreed not to make any recommendation on this year's offer ahead of a ballot of its members.


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