High Court: Council right to approve fracking

Fracking will be allowed to take place in North Yorkshire after the High Court ruled the county council had lawfully approved the plans.

Fracking will be allowed to take place in North Yorkshire after the High Court ruled the county council had lawfully approved the plans.

North Yorkshire CC approved the controversial application to frack for shale gas back in May despite receiving 4,375 objections to the plans.

Campaigners and residents launched legal action against the council, claiming it had failed to consider the impact fracking would have on climate change.

However, the High Court today ruled in favour of the council, meaning fracking will go ahead in the village of Kirby Misperton.

A statement from the council read: ‘We are grateful for the judgement of the High Court, which confirms that the planning committee gave proper regard to all material planning considerations before approving the application by Third Energy.

‘The council has not sought to bring fracking to North Yorkshire. 

‘Having received this application, we had a responsibility to determine it and to apply national and local policies. 

‘We followed a statutory process, and the High Court has found we followed it correctly and has rejected the issues raised by Friends of the Earth.'

Rasik Valand, chief executive of Third Energy, said: ‘The permission places a great obligation on Third Energy to prove that we can carry out the test fracs in the same safe, discreet and environmentally sensitive way that we have conducted our gas exploration and energy generation activities over the past two decades.

‘We are confident that we will prove to the local community that their elected representatives were right to grant this permission.'


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