Crime prevention budgets slashed

Crime prevention budgets have been cut by more than a half since 2010, an analysis from Labour has revealed.

Crime prevention budgets have been cut by more than a half since 2010, an analysis from Labour has revealed.

Between 2009/10 and 2017/18, spending on crime reduction by councils has been cut by almost 60%, falling from £363m to £154m.

Over the same period, the number of council employees working on crime reduction has fallen by more than a third - from 120,334 to just 77,720.

Labour's shadow home secretary, Diane Abbott, said: ‘Taken together with years of police cuts, austerity is making our communities less safe.'

A Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government spokesman said: 'In recognition of substantial increases in pressures and the police having met efficiency milestones, we are extending the precept flexibility for police and crime commissioners to £24.

'This increase has been balanced with extra grant to ensure forces are able to offer improved services whilst covering financial pressures.'


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