Crying wolf or creaking system?

There is contention over the true scale of councils’ financial woes and what lies behind them says Andy Pike. But annual fixes and ad hoc flexibilities can only patch up the dysfunctional funding arrangements in the short term, he believes.

As 2023 draws to a close, local government in England again finds itself in a financially vulnerable position. Subject to fiscal pressures, risks and uncertainties, local political leaders and officers continue to work through the contradictions of the highly centralised and creaking funding system.

As a General Election year looms, the existing or incoming national government will have to address low growth, under-invested services and tight public finances with constraints on their ability to raise taxes and/or borrow given higher interest rates. Local government is once again positioned outside of ring-fenced funding areas and likely to experience cuts akin to the unprecedented austerity from 2010.

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