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Successful 2012 Olympics belies the reality UK wins no medals for coherent sports and leisure strategy, says Nicola Bulbeck.

London 2012 is in the history books, marking one of the most exciting, successful and inspirational Olympic Games ever staged. But among the stand-out successes and powerhouse performances that characterised Team GB, a shadow of disquiet started to form.

It wasn't related to our superb Olympians and Paralympians, but to the one remaining Olympic promise that still rings a little hollow in some ears – that of a meaningful ‘legacy' for sport and recreation. I don't want to be pessimistic about this, after all, even the harder-edged doom-mongers were proved wrong about London 2012 with its great achievements, our new national treasures – the wonderful ‘games makers', few transport problems, and Opening and Closing Ceremonies to be proud of. So maybe the legacy will, in similar form, defy expectations.

Nicola Bulbeck

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