Extra £50m funding for Scottish social care

Social care in Scotland will be given a £50m funding boost to help meet the cost of the coronavirus crisis.

Social care in Scotland will be given a £50m funding boost to help meet the cost of the coronavirus crisis.

The money will be allocated to integration joint boards across Scotland to help ensure the sustainability of the sector.

It comes on top of £50m already announced, and will help cover costs such as a reduction in occupancy due to the virus, additional staffing or sickness costs, and infection prevention and control.

Health secretary, Jeane Freeman, said: ‘This second tranche of funding will bring our total extra allocation to the social care sector since May to £100m, a sign of our practical commitment to continuing to support the sustainability and resilience of the sector.

‘I am very clear that we will meet any increasing need for social care as a result of the pandemic.'


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