Half of council staff considering quitting their job, survey finds

Half of council employees are thinking of leaving their job for less stressful work, according to a new survey by trade union Unison.

Half of council employees are thinking of leaving their job for less stressful work, according to a new survey by trade union Unison.

Six out of 10 council workers surveyed said they did not feel secure in their job, with more than half (53%) describing their workload as unmanageable.

More than half of those surveyed (53%) believe their council no longer delivers quality services, with 48% thinking their employer does not make the right decisions for the public.

Unison general secretary, Dave Prentis, said: ‘Local services are collapsing and council workers are being left to pick up the pieces and do the best they can amid the chaos.

'This disturbing survey should ring alarm bells in Whitehall, and also alert ministers to the crisis happening in councils up and down the country.

‘Local authorities have had to cut so many vital services that they have now reached a point where vulnerable children and the elderly struggle to get the help they need, entire communities are suffering and the public is being put at risk.'


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