Housing: Time to talk to councils

If local government is truly the valued and equal partner of government, it’s crucial to have a conversation about the whole of the planning and development system, says Trevor Scott.

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Government have just published their revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), coming hot on the heels of a ‘consultation' on the role of Planning Committees. It seems clear that government feel the answer to the conundrum lies firmly at the door of local authorities. What we need to do is grant more planning permissions (increased housing targets) and do so more quickly (through adoption of Local Plans and reducing the role of local councillors in the decision-making process). 

I'm sure we all have experience of the odd ‘rogue' planning decision at committee or a decision taking far longer than it ought to. But is this really the problem in the planning system that is preventing house building? And is creating a democratic deficit really the answer that will help local communities support growth? 

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