Impact of Integrated Care Fund 'remains unclear'

The impact of the Integrated Care Fund in Wales remains ‘unclear’ despite a £385m Welsh Government investment, the Auditor General has warned today.

The impact of the Integrated Care Fund in Wales remains ‘unclear' despite a £385m Welsh Government investment, the Auditor General has warned today.

report concluded there was little evidence of successful projects being mainstreamed into core budgets.

However, the report did find the fund has improved partnership working and supported better integrated health and social care services.

The Auditor General for Wales, Adrian Crompton said: ‘Aspects of the way the fund has been managed at national, regional and project levels have limited its potential to date.

'With the regional partnership boards taking on additional responsibilities, there are lessons to learn for this and other funding streams to get things right from the outset: being clear about expectations; providing timely guidance and appropriate planning horizons; and putting in place effective monitoring arrangements.'


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