Jenrick outlines new proposals to reform planning process

Developers will be able to demolish vacant buildings and turn them into new homes more quickly under new proposals published today.

Developers will be able to demolish vacant buildings and turn them into new homes more quickly under new proposals published today.

Under the new measures, vacant commercial, industrial and residential buildings will be turned into new housing without having to go through the planning process.

The Government will also encourage councils to take a housing-led approach to the redevelopment of high streets, buildings upwards and above stations.

A new map of brownfield sites will be published next month, with councils receiving £400m to bring unused land back into use.

Councils have also been warned they will face government intervention if they fail to have an up-to-date local plan in place by December 2023.

Housing secretary, Robert Jenrick, said: ‘We must think boldly and creatively about the planning system to make it fit for the future and this is just the first step so we can deliver the homes communities need and help more young people onto the ladder.'

District Councils' Network lead member for stronger economies, Cllr Mark Crane, said: 'We are clear that endless meddling with the planning system will not tackle the housing crisis and build much-needed homes.

'We have significant concerns with proposals to extend permitted development rights for upward extensions so that developers can avoid paying what they owe for local infrastructure and for local affordable homes.'


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