Joining the new power dots

Donna Hall explains that ‘permanently wiring new power’ into the way the organisation and system do business takes time and is difficult, but it is the only way it will work for the long-term.

Our public services, mainly designed in the 1940s were created at a time when we relied entirely on ‘old power' to get things done. Old power is limited to a few, hierarchical, compartmentalised, departmental, clunky, controlling, transactional, market-driven, deficit based, top down, heroic, organisationally focused, process focused and rules based. All of these characteristics are deeply unfashionable these days.

New power on the other hand is where it's at. New power is dispersed and shared, creative, courageous, community controlled, empathetic, relational, asset based, needs based, fluid and adaptive, and is connected to how people really live their lives.

Donna Hall

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